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    How Long Does it Take to Remodel a Kitchen in Average Home?

    To remodel average size kitchen it takes 22 full...

    Open Concept Kitchen Pros and Cons for House and Apartments?

    The development of the concept of open spaces in...

    8 Parts of Condo Apartment Unit You Can’t Renovate or Change

    Owning a property should automatically mean you are entitled...

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    How Long After Shocking Pool Can You Swim

    Pool shocking is very important to maintain water quality. This prevents the development of harmful bacteria that can affect humans. Since...

    How to Take Care of a Pool in the Winter Right?

    We all love to swim in the pool on hot summer days. Nevertheless, when autumn comes, the question arises of how...

    Average Swimming Pool Depth Recommendations and Rules

    When it comes to building a backyard pool, depth is an important factor. There is a lot of controversy about the...

    Outdoor In Ground Pool Installation Cost For Average House

    Average in ground pool installation cost for regular backyard home is $37 000. This includes preparation, construction and additional items for...

    Cost to Renovate 1000 sq ft Condo

    It is common to compare home renovation costs to similar projects in condo. We already have an article...