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    How Long Does it Take to Remodel a Kitchen in Average Home?

    To remodel average size kitchen it takes 22 full...

    Open Concept Kitchen Pros and Cons for House and Apartments?

    The development of the concept of open spaces in...

    8 Parts of Condo Apartment Unit You Can’t Renovate or Change

    Owning a property should automatically mean you are entitled...

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    How to Flatten out a Sloped Backyard by Yourself

    Most of the houses are built on not perfectly flat terrain. Sometimes it happens that the backyard is very difficult to...

    How To Build a Retaining Wall on a Slope or a Hill

    Retaining wall is built to support soil from falling down and make flat surfaces instead of high slope ground. Be it...

    Walkway and Driveway Radiant Heating Systems

    It has been a problem for decades to shovel snow off your driveway during winter season. Having car is not a...

    Breakdown of 7 Materials for Driveway Surface

    Each building has some sort of driveway or at least should have. The main reason is for vehicles to come closer...

    Interesting Interior Design Ideas for a Small Balcony in an Apartment

    Not all of us have the opportunity to buy a luxury home with a huge backyard and fresh...