There is no better time of the year, than time that you enjoy pool with your family. But what if outdoor swimming season could be extended or even become year round? Today we are talking about solar pool heaters for pools.
Instead of using heaters that run on electricity or gas, our topic of discussion falls on popular and commonly used solar pool heaters for inground pools. Technology today allows us to enjoy at fullest things we love more and reuse solar energy without draining pockets.
Here is a list of pool heaters we think are top in their category:
- SunHeater Pool Heating System
- Smart Pool S601 Pool Solar Heaters
- Heliocol Solar Heating Panel
- XtremepowerUS 75070 Pool Solar Panel
- SunHeater S120U Solar Pool Heater
This table is strictly based on our research and opinion of our writers. Readers may disagree with quality or efficiency for any item we review.
SunHeater Pool Heating System
Solar Heater for Inground and Aboveground
- BRAND: Esse Enterprises LLC
- PRODUCT DEMENTION: 240 x 27.5 x 16 inches
- Item Weight: 1 pounds
Reasons to Buy
Our Top Pick of the Year/ Easiest to Install/ Adjustable dimensions for Panels/ Made with Durable Polyproylene
At Esse we manufacture best sun heaters for inground and above ground pools. In 2017 we tested and set on market our S240U model and it took the market with exceptional quality. We are proud to say we are the best in converting sun energy to water without any wiring and electrical connections. Try it out for yourself and experience pool time throughout the year.
Few of Many Reviews
Roxanne Franklin from Washington: This is what I did with this heater. Bought Walmart cheapest pump to run the water and connected to this exact system I bought. My pool water was heated 10-15 degrees. How awesome is that. Free solar energy works well for me and my pool.
Winston from Fort Worth: In real life solar pool heater looks better than on images here. And I think it works better than described. I don’t really understand some of bad reviews iv read about this item. Everyone should have pool heater if you have a pool even if you live down south.
Grant from Portland: We were using gas heater before we moved to Portland and saw our neighbors in water when it was cold outside. They introduced us to awesome solar pool heaters for inground pools and we bought it the next day. Literally extended our swimming activities by 3 month this year.
Smart Pool S601 Pool Solar Heaters
Solar Pool Heater for Inground Pools
- BRAND: Esse Sales Inc
- PRODUCT DEMENTION: 240 x 54 x 2 inches
- Item Weight: 34 pounds
Top Quality Features
Stretches on Top of Roof/ Highest reviews on Internet/ Works for any pool/ Longer warranty
Our new invention at Esse has smart solar heater for all home owners. Easily set up on backyard or even on top of roof. Our separately sold installation kit with manual can help to get it going within an hour. We guarantee to get water temperature increase by 6 degrees if used properly. Solar heater need to constantly absorb sun light and pump the water in order to work. Multiple panels can be used on larger pools.
What Others Say About it
Chris Simpson from Scottsdale: Just like you see on picture, we installed it on top of roof and connected to pool next to house. Cannot ask for anything else. It doesn’t need to be plugged in, just uses sun and loops the water into the pool through pipes.
Bob Grant from Pittsburgh: Wanted to share my experience here. I bought what I thought was the great solar pool heater for inground pool based on all the reviews. At first was disappointed and pissed off because one panel was ripped. I contacted the seller and they gave me a choice to refund or replace. Decided to give it another try and in two weeks was already setting it up near pool. Took a while, but at the end im happy and giving thumbs us for this heater.
Jim from St. Petersburg: Crazy cheap item for purpose it does. I installed it myself in several hours. Oh and don’t forget to get installation kit, it is sold separately.
Heliocol Solar Heating Panel
Swimming Pool Heating Panel 4′ x 8′ – HC-30
- PRODUCT DEMENTION: 96 x 48 x 3.6 inches
- Item Weight: 19 pounds
Why This Heater is Better
Fastest to Increase temperature/ Very Reliable brand/ Highest Efficiency product/ Option for different sizes
Heliocol solar heating system is the most reliable on market with high efficiency and lowest return rate. The panel can be placed next to the pool as well as on the pool that helps protect from leaves and other debris. We sell our product in several dimensions and they can be easily connected together for highest efficiency. This new design is by far best looking and most wanted pool heater out there.
Online Comments from Buyers
Bradley Mason from Arlington: Our pool is around 30 000 gallons and im proud to say that it works like a charm. I could swear that this pool heater gets us extra 6-7 degrees on sunny days. With smaller size pools im sure I would have even better performance but it is what it is.
Damon from Toledo: I wanted to thank seller and manufacturer for making our lives so much better with this good quality solar pool heaters for inground pools. We were thinking to get gas heater because have double gas hose for barbeque at home, but were convinced to get this exact heater. I do not regret this decision at all. Very good buy.
Malcolm from Buffalo: The idea with this heater is to use it where you have lots of sun. Turn it on like 2 hours before I plan to go in water and it gets to awesome temperature. Like swimming in milk. Arrived within several days after got it on amazon and now use it 3 times a week or so.
XtremepowerUS 75070 Pool Solar Panel
Pool Heating System PP 4X20 FT, Black
- BRAND: XtremepowerUS
- PRODUCT DEMENTION: 48 x 240 x 10 inches
- Item Weight: 31 pounds
Comparably Best Because its:
Most quality for money spent/ Sold all over the world/New System Panels/ Recommended by Professional Installers
XtremepowerUS has made your pool season much longer with highly efficient and recommended by many magazines solar pool heater for inground pools. Yes it does work for above ground pools, but inground structures need higher efficiency and that is what we stand for. Our panels are made from high standard materials and can withstand tough weather conditions. Don’t worry about animals running over or getting damage during heavy rains. Install heat panels with tubes facing most of the sun during the day and get water temperature in the pool higher by 6-9 degrees.
Honest Opinions
Doug from New Orleans: My wife asked me to write a review for the heater we got 2 month ago. We give it five stars hands down. Suggestion to strap it very tight when winds are high or it could fly out. I don’t know what else to add, this is superb pool attribute we got on amazon.
Brenda Clark From California: All my neighbors closed down their pool already and we are still using it with family. I think they are super jealous. Anyway this heater is good and I want to recommend it to everyone who is thinking to buy.
Jose from North Hempstead: This pool heater is nothing like I thought it would be. There are plumbing pvc pipes connected together and go within black material panel. So this panel attracts sun heat and water inside pipes increases temperature. Such a clever invention or am I too old? )
SunHeater S120U Solar Pool Heater
Universal Device to Increase Water Temperature
- BRAND: Esse Sales Inc
- PRODUCT DEMENTION: 120 x 27.5 x 16 inches
- Item Weight: 18 pounds
Why Some of Use Might Buy it
Has been on Market for years/ Preferred by most home owners/ Universal solar heater/ Manufactured in USA
Esse solar pool heaters are manufactured in USA and unlike other similar products, guarantee satisfaction for all users. Our extended warranty secures all deliveries from damage and in case your pool heater does not work you can return or exchange it for new. Home owners absolutely adore using esse water heating devices and for years have been complementing products we make. Easy to install and combing together.
Response After Purchase
Homer from Los Angeles: Thought LA would be hot enough for pool parties but with pool heater its even better. All my friends want to come by now and chill at the poll.
Dominick Higgins from St. Louis: We literally were considering to move because wanted to get more time on sun and in the water. This solar pool heater solved the water time issue. It costs so little and get water almost hot. It runs all day long when we turn it on.
Meghan from Fort Worth: I convinced my husband to but this solar pool heater finally. He never wants to spend money on backyard and pool. Now he is happy that kids stay at the pool all day long and don’t bother him on weekend. But I want to add that it works very good and whoever thought of this idea is genius.
Would You Get These Solar Pool Heaters for Pools?
All of these pool heaters for hand selected by Remodel on Point team from internet and email reviews we have received. If you feel that we have missed something or wish to add different product in our post, please contact us by email or through social media.
Outdoor space is more enjoyable than interior. It also has a limit of use due to cold weather. We want all our readers to know that pool water at your home can be heated throughout the year and your family can gather for water activities not only during summer.