Renovating your house usually involves installation of tiles. Of course there are thousands of different tiles to select from all around the world, but we want to talk about kitchen and bathroom tile patterns. Using exactly the same material you can install it in at least 10 different ways and bathroom tile patterns.
We want to show you popular tile patterns most builders and contractors are comfortable installing on their projects. Obviously there are a lot more custom options, but we will not go into experimental and unusual patterns.
Here are 10 Tile Patterns for floors and walls we will explain in details:
- Stack Pattern Tiles
- Brick Pattern Tiles
- Offset Pattern Tiles
- Bond Pattern Tiles
- Checkerboard Pattern Tiles
- Diamond Pattern Tiles
- Parquet Pattern Tiles
- Herringbone Pattern Tiles
- Chevron Pattern Tiles
- Hexagon Pattern Tiles
Tile installers and contractors can refer their clients to this page and images for selecting exact tile pattern they prefer. You can read all benefits of each pattern and understand where they are mostly used.
1. Stack is Common and Casual Tile Pattern
First on our list is stack pattern for tiles and it is very popular in modern installations. Everything awesome is simple and there is nothing simpler than this way of installing your tiles.
This method has been used by most of new home builders and renovation contractors for many years. The idea is to install tile one above another with parallel grout lines. Because tiles can be rectangular shape, stack pattern has horizontal and vertical positioning.
Horizontal is focused on larger side positioned horizontally or from left to right, while vertical has larger side from top to bottom.
Sizes in this style are used from very small to extremely large sizes. The most common size is 1 x 2 feet.
Stack tile pattern for floor installation is used literally everywhere throughout the house. It can be on the floor, wall, fireplace and even backsplash.
There is nothing complicated about installation in this pattern and cost for labor should not go above average costs in your area. We recommend 10% of waste material to be accounted while purchasing material.
2. Brick Pattern Tiles or Subway Tiles

Next on our list is also popular way of laying tiles is brick pattern. It got its name exactly because of how it looks. If you see installed bricks on any house facade you will notice how above brick starts in the middle of brick in layer below.
It is very simple to install brick pattern on wall and even easier on the floor. Contractors start from first line all the way through and start second line from the middle of first tile. This continues on till last row with every next line connection at the middle.
Similar to stack, brick pattern can also be horizontal and vertical. Vertical brick pattern starts from first line installed vertically and tiles with larger side from bottom to top.
There are no standard sizes for this pattern as well as manufacturers provide variety of products for all needs.
You may have heard about subway tiles. Originally tiles with size of 3 inches wide and 6 inches long in brick pattern were called subway tiles. The name came from most of subway line tunnels being covered with this exact pattern and size of tiles.
Just like our first discussed style of tiles, brick bathroom tile pattern is casual and should not cost more than average.
3. Offset Pattern Tiles
In the same category as previous two patterns goes our next style of installation. Offset pattern tiles looks somewhere in the middle between brick pattern and stacked. The idea is to install next row of tiles with offset grid between middle and end of tile.
There are two most used offset methods of tiles installation. 70/30 is commonly used in the industry and it means that upper row tile covers 30% of tile from one side of bottom and 70% from the other side. Second popular combination is 60/40, which works exactly by the same method.
We see this tile patterns used more on bathroom walls and sometimes on kitchen backsplash. They are meant to get slight attention, but not to overpower.
Offset design pattern is created with rather smaller tiles and slightly thicker grout lines. Single tone subway size tiles are common of this installation with opposite color grout. Our researched showed white glossy tiles with dark grey/charcoal grout are being preferred by home owners.
All experienced tile contractors should be able to do offset pattern in your home and not charge above $10 per square foot.
4. Bond Mix Style of Installation

This is where it gets more complicated and you start to see different shapes on the wall created by the pattern alone. It requires more attention and skill than previous ways of set up we discussed.
We see that bond bathroom tile patterns require two different shapes of tile. To some it may seem very unusual, but if you break it down into rows it becomes easy to understand.
Here we see a complete mix of all three patters we discussed above with a twist of different sizes. The idea is for 2 tiles in one row have equal length of next row with 3 tiles. It works with 6×3 tiles followed up by 4×3 tiles. As you can see it doesn’t work that well with larger tiles.
We want to encourage home owners using the same manufacturer as well as same type/color of tiles. Other selection may have different thickness and size may be off few millimetres, which creates thicker grout lines for evening out overall length.
Expect to pay $10-11 for bond pattern tile installation from local contractors.
5. Checkerboard Pattern for Entrance and Hallway
The other simple combination of two different tiles that creates unique look is checkerboard pattern tiles. If you try to remember how the board of chess or checkers looks, you would right away understand the concept.
Installation is exactly the same as stack pattern, but the tiles are rather square than rectangular. Tiles are placed next to each other without overlay, which creates continuous line of grout.
Do not forget that checkerboard pattern requires two different shades for tiles. To bring more attention and underline design attributes, On Point Remodeling suggests using single tone light (close to white) and dark (dark grey, green, brown or black).
It looks way better with larger tiles, but than you would need bigger home for the space. We recommend 2 feet by 2 feet tiles for this pattern.
Checkerboard or chessboard style is common for floor installation, and not so much for walls. Because the tiles are large and pattern is one of the easiest, contractors charge around $7 – $8 per square foot.
6. Diamond Bathroom Tile Patterns
Going towards harder types of installation at the end of our article, diamond pattern tiles are somewhere in the middle. Not extremely complicated to install, but definitely need skills and several years of experience to do this.
Positioning of tiles is very important in this pattern. Vertical corners as well as horizontal corners have to alight throughout the whole area where tiles are installed.
Tile contractors have several options of how to do diamond pattern tile theme. First way of creating diamond shapes is with square tiles turned 45 degrees. They will point all four corners to the sides and touch with next tile. Square shape diamond pattern tile are better for floors of your home.
The other way of creating a diamond style pattern is with rhombus shape tiles installed exactly the same as previously discussed. Rhombus tiles are rarer, but create better outline with clear idea. These shapes are better for wall installation or accents.
Smaller version tiles are sold in 1 square foot sheets that can be used for backsplash and other walls.
Very often we see home owners mistaken hexagon pattern with diamond. See below the difference in shape and look. The cost of installation should be $9 – $10 per square foot.
7. Parquet Imitation Pattern Tiles with Premade Sheets
For those home owners who want to imitate retro style of hardwood floor with parquet pattern tiles we explain how it can be done. It can look absolutely like regular parquet if you can find the right size and color material.
The installation of parquet pattern tiles can be manual from smaller tiles or with prefabricated pattern square pieces and sheets. In first case there is much more work involved aligning tiles and grout lines perfectly. Prefabricated sheets with parquet pattern are installed similar as stack style, simply laying one next to another.
Just like regular wood, this method is preferred for the floor of the house rather than walls. We see it at entrances, powder rooms and mud rooms.
Not everyone likes this style, and it only fits in either luxury homes with most of the floor done in real expensive parquet. Or older apartment buildings where we see existing parquet from several decades ago and owners want to refresh few areas with same pattern tiles.
The surface area needs to be square or contractors will make unnecessary cuts on side of the room which can damage the look of parquet.
Installing prefab sheets costs $7 – $8 per square foot, while manual compiling with small pieces goes up to $14 per square.
8. Herringbone Kitchen Backsplash and Bathroom Pattern Tiles

There are many options of ways to use herringbone pattern in tiles and On Point Remodeling has separate article for that. Here we explain basics so readers understand what it really is.
For floors herringbone pattern tiles are either medium or large. Commonly we see combination of sequence vertical and horizontal positions rather than pointing sides in exact direction. Meaning the arrow points to the corner of room or hallway where tiles are laid.
Herringbone patter is the most preferred style for kitchen backsplash after full marble slab. Unlike on floors, here we see very tiny tiles that are sold in sheets, connected to each other. They are called backsplash tiles and you can find them in local supplier store.
Also in kitchen backsplash, herringbone pattern tiles are installed with arrow pointing up and down.
Installation of this style on your floors costs $10 – $11 per square foot, but kitchen backsplash is calculated differently.
Because kitchen backsplash does not always have large surface, installers charge per job. Contractors need at least 2 days for tiling the wall and grouting when it dries. Small backsplash with 20 square feet of space can cost $400 – $500.
9. Luxury Chevron Installation Pattern for Walls and Floor
The luxury of all patterns for hardwood floors and tiles is chevron pattern style. It looks simply amazing and installation requires true master for perfect job.
It is imposing to use any tiles for this luxury style. Decisions to cut regular rectangular tiles end up very bad. It will create sides with natural tile edge, while other will have clear open cuts.
Because of high demand, manufacturers decided to make precut tiles specifically for this pattern and contractors just need to position them properly on the floor.
All styles of home interior can use chevron tile pattern for wall. It goes well with modern, traditional and luxury home remodeling.
Just like herringbone, this pattern is popular for backsplash and accent walls. Usually made of marble small tiles are connected by net and premade with average size 13 inches by 13 inches. Actual tiles can be bought for around $18 per square foot.
Cost for labor is exactly the same as herringbone pattern for the backsplash, and floor costs $12 – $13 per square foot.
Ask our team for trusted supplier with large selection of different tile patterns for your project.
10. Hexagon Shape Tiles are Super Popular

The last item on our list today is hexagon pattern tiles. It actually has nothing to do with pattern, but rather shape of tiles themselves.
Although it seems not complicated putting hexagon tiles next to each other the biggest mistake we see is made by inexperienced and impatient contractors. The only mistake and installers make is creating uneven grout lines, but it completely ruins the overall look.
Small sizes tiles with 6 corners can be used as shower base, and be sure to select non glossy/slippery material. Standard market dimensions for hex tiles are between 4 and 10 inches in diameter.
It became popular mixing different shades and even partially cutting hardwood floor to install tiles into it. Some creative designs can be done by contractors that have previously worked with hex tiles before.
Ask for suggestions and possibilities from supplier as well. When mixing shades and colors, make sure that size of tiles is identical. Difference of few millimetres creates uneven distance between tiles and grout lines can be smaller or bigger.
$10 – $11 per square foot is adequate price to pay for hexagon pattern tile installation.
Conclusion for Kitchen and Bathroom Tile Patterns
Regardless of style and pattern you select, it is absolutely necessary to choose contractors that are true professionals in their trade.
One of the ways to make sure you get right people is to ask suppliers for referrals in specific pattern installation. Our team also has contacts and can provide details of professionals.
Contact us for tile installers as well as suppliers with discounts in your area.