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    How Long Does it Take to Remodel a Kitchen in Average Home?

    To remodel average size kitchen it takes 22 full...

    Open Concept Kitchen Pros and Cons for House and Apartments?

    The development of the concept of open spaces in...

    8 Parts of Condo Apartment Unit You Can’t Renovate or Change

    Owning a property should automatically mean you are entitled...

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    Flipping Condo Return on Investment with Costs

    All condo owners have had doubts about remodeling their place before selling. If you analyze overall cost of condo units and...

    10 Best Houseplants for Kitchen Decoration

    We think that every kitchen deserves to be spiked up with refreshing decoration of plants that we recommend. Without it your...

    10 Condo Renovation Tips for Resale That Work

    There will be a day that your condo will be going on market eventually. Regardless of your situation...

    How Long Does it Take to Remodel a Kitchen in Average Home?

    To remodel average size kitchen it takes 22 full working days by contractors specialized in kitchen renovations. This...